American business is on the uptick in many manufacturing and service areas of the economy and there is absolutely no reason Veteran Owned Businesses (VOB) cannot be part of this vibrant growth. The Veteran Owned Business Roundtable (VOBRT) has created the VetConnect program as a viable vehicle to provide the family of business owners and VOBs with resources and opportunities for networking and growth. VetConnect corporate access is the key to unlock VOB business prosperity.
There are several essential things to know about gaining VetConnect Corporate Access which will increase your mentor business’ finances as well as build a solid reputation as a supporter of veteran entrepreneurs.
Vet Connect programs provide
- Detailed member info
- Search by industry, location, NAICS, & authentication
- Allow for instant connection with members by phone/email
- Member directory & business profiles
- Syncs w/mobile App
- Corporate Members have access to veterans
- National Affiliate System
- Is updated 24/7
Communication and Networking
One of the impediments for new VOBs has been having the ability to demonstrate to corporate contractors what their new business can do if given the opportunity. Accessing the inner circle has been unlocked by VOBRT and the valuable communication and networking features of the VetConnect program play an important role in doing that.
Regularly scheduled local VORBT events allow for corporate members and VOB owners to network and build lasting business relationships. Seminars, business leader lunch speakers and other sponsored events create avenues for sharing business and market strategies and provide for discussion of VOB owner company selling points. In addition, the experienced veteran business owners assist new owners on how to avoid rookie pitfalls that impede growth.
Break the Barrier
The VetConnect Corporate Access is the barrier buster that VOBs have needed and VORBT has worked tirelessly to build this into one of the most highly regarded VOB assets in America. The passion for improvement and growth for VOBs in the local, state and nation’s business community is a daily goal that VORBT pursues. Education, communication, networking, and sponsored events are the successful tools that have produced measurable results for VOBs and the VetConnect Corporate Access program shares much of the credit.
There is no reason for VOBs to be held hostage to lack of access to corporate contracting opportunities. VORBT’s service, education, mentorship and corporate access benefits all parties. To learn more about VetConnect Corporate contact the VOBRT today for more information!