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Veteran Owned Business Round Table Takes Two at the Corp!Magazine Diversity Awards

The celebration continues as the Veteran Owned Business Round Table (VOBRT) displays its two-time salute to achievements in Diversity and Inclusion within its organization and greater community.

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Entrepreneurship in the Veteran Community: 5 Things to Know Before Starting Your Own Business

startupAs a military soldier, you have been part of one of the finest organizations that the world has ever known and your training, resolve, preparation and execution trained you to be battlefield ready. Now you want to embark upon the endeavor of joining other veteran owned businesses (VOB) in starting your own business. Here are 5 excellent tips you need to know before you launch your VOB.

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Resources for Veteran Owned Businesses in Michigan

resourcesCongratulations, you have successfully developed your veteran owned business thanks to the carefully calibrated Veteran Owned Business Roundtable’s (VOBRT) business development training techniques modules, webinars, and one-on-one business expert sessions. Now you are prepared to compete in the state of Michigan business contracting arena. Here is some valuable veteran owned business (VOB) resources that will give these businesses the upper hand on securing those contracts.

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Understanding the Veterans Benefit Act of 2003

benefitsThe country, through the US Senate, has been slowly working towards improving the conditions of veterans and offering them opportunities to integrate back into society. The Veterans Benefits Act of 2003 was a law passed by the US Senate to amend title 38 of the United States Code. The purpose of this amendment was to improve the benefits that were to be offered to veterans under the laws of the department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

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