As a military soldier, you have been part of one of the finest organizations that the world has ever known and your training, resolve, preparation and execution trained you to be battlefield ready. Now you want to embark upon the endeavor of joining other veteran owned businesses (VOB) in starting your own business. Here are 5 excellent tips you need to know before you launch your VOB.
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Resources for Veteran Owned Businesses in Michigan
Congratulations, you have successfully developed your veteran owned business thanks to the carefully calibrated Veteran Owned Business Roundtable’s (VOBRT) business development training techniques modules, webinars, and one-on-one business expert sessions. Now you are prepared to compete in the state of Michigan business contracting arena. Here is some valuable veteran owned business (VOB) resources that will give these businesses the upper hand on securing those contracts.
Understanding the Veterans Benefit Act of 2003
The country, through the US Senate, has been slowly working towards improving the conditions of veterans and offering them opportunities to integrate back into society. The Veterans Benefits Act of 2003 was a law passed by the US Senate to amend title 38 of the United States Code. The purpose of this amendment was to improve the benefits that were to be offered to veterans under the laws of the department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Marketing Versus Advertising Your Veteran Owned Business to Decision Makers
The growth of your veteran owned business can be dramatically enhanced by implementing a marketing and advertising campaign. You have learned some very valuable business development techniques from your Veteran Owned Business Roundtable (VOBRT) seminars, and one-on-one mentoring sessions. Here are some valuable tips on how to understand why marketing and advertising differ in how you promote your veteran owned business to decision makers.
4 Reasons to Develop/Mentor a Veteran Owned Business
For many potential Veteran Owned Business owners, creating a business and being successful at it may seem like climbing a mountain. But fortunately for these entrepreneurs Veteran Owned Business Roundtable (VOBRT) has developed an excellent program that makes the destination to business success achievable. They accomplish this by utilizing innovative techniques and programs which successfully develop/mentor a veteran owned business.
When Is the Right Time to Expand Your Veteran Owned Business?
As a veteran owned business, you deserve to be very proud of your accomplishment and success. Certainly, Veteran Owned Business Roundtable (VOBRT) considers the improvement you have made by taking full advantage of the strategic webinars, online meetings, one-on-one and regulatory processes sessions contributed to your winning formula. Now you are considering expansion. Here are some very valuable tips to consider as you begin your evaluation process to expand.
Educating Your Contracting Departments on VOB Requirements
Contracting departments of businesses need to be aware of the requirements that VOBs must fulfill, in addition to the numerous benefits that working with VOBs provides. In fact, VOBs and SDVOBs are increasingly being sought after by corporations that are seeking supplier diversity. As a result, there are currently 2.5 million VOBs in the country, and they generate more than $1 trillion in sales per year.
Why the Veteran Owned Business Verification Process Matters
Why the Veteran Owned Business Verification Process Matters
Veterans should not ignore the importance of having their businesses verified as a Veteran-Owned Business. Veterans are being sought out for many different opportunities within society due to their honorable service. Therefore, having your business verified as a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) or Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) gives you access to more business opportunities, such as government and corporate contracting.
5 Key tips for Finding VOB’s and SDVOSB’s
5 Key tips for Finding VOBs and SDVOBs
From the battlefield to the boardroom, more veterans are venturing into the corporate world in order to start businesses. VOBs and SDVOBs are among the most successful start-ups due to the resilience and excellent leadership skills of their owners. As a result, more customers and corporations are seeking out the services of VOBs and SDVOBs.
Free Resources for Marketing Your Veteran Owned Business
You have taken the first important step in your post-military career in joining the world of veteran owned businesses. Now you can use those finely developed skills you learned in the service and apply them in the business world. In order to reach that successful destination, you will need to develop marketing strategies that will give you the strategic advantage needed. Here are some excellent free resources that will allow you to achieve business success.