For many potential Veteran Owned Business owners, creating a business and being successful at it may seem like climbing a mountain. But fortunately for these entrepreneurs Veteran Owned Business Roundtable (VOBRT) has developed an excellent program that makes the destination to business success achievable. They accomplish this by utilizing innovative techniques and programs which successfully develop/mentor a veteran owned business.
Business Development and Battlefield Skills
Former military personnel fully understand the necessity of being prepared and what it takes to win on the battlefield. Each soldier works to support the team member and uses every opportunity to utilize those skills and training to accomplish the mission. The business world is a battlefield as well, and VOBRT blends the new VOB owner’s previous military skillset for preparedness with business training and partnership by learning alongside corporate experts committed to develop/mentor a veteran owned business to its full potential.
Building Mentoring Foundation
One of the essential steps that lead to a successful VOB is for the owner to learn that the corporate mentor is more than a business owner interested in sharing successful tactics and techniques for success. Key to successful mentoring are VOBRT’s measurement and assessment tools which track how live events, webinars, online meetings, one-on-one meetings, and understanding regulatory processes sessions are assisting the mentored VOB. Job one is to develop/mentor a veteran owned business and create future mentor VOB owners as well.
Planned Educational Growth
A VOB owner and VOBRT mentor learn from each other and that is an important aspect of the relationship that benefits both. Every VOB is unique and how that business will fit into the marketplace is honed by discussing the fundamental elements of their business that are different. The educational process does not occur overnight or in a week or a month. Steady improvement of the VOB business operation provides the mentor with a potential business contractor and is a showcase for VOBRT’s overall goal to develop/mentor a veteran owned business that is viable and successfully profitable.
Mentoring is a Win-Win
Mentoring companies’ customers and clients appreciate and even embrace businesses that support veterans. A mentoring company also demonstrates their patriotism and pride in the veteran’s service to the nation and the high regard their involvement with VOBs demonstrate. For additional information on mentoring and VOB development programs, visit the VOBRT at; or call 586-722-1557 today.