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Resources for Veteran Owned Businesses in Michigan

resourcesCongratulations, you have successfully developed your veteran owned business thanks to the carefully calibrated Veteran Owned Business Roundtable’s (VOBRT) business development training techniques modules, webinars, and one-on-one business expert sessions. Now you are prepared to compete in the state of Michigan business contracting arena. Here is some valuable veteran owned business (VOB) resources that will give these businesses the upper hand on securing those contracts.

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Marketing Versus Advertising Your Veteran Owned Business to Decision Makers

marketing vs advertisingThe growth of your veteran owned business can be dramatically enhanced by implementing a marketing and advertising campaign. You have learned some very valuable business development techniques from your Veteran Owned Business Roundtable (VOBRT) seminars, and one-on-one mentoring sessions. Here are some valuable tips on how to understand why marketing and advertising differ in how you promote your veteran owned business to decision makers.

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Free Resources for Marketing Your Veteran Owned Business

free resourcesYou have taken the first important step in your post-military career in joining the world of veteran owned businesses. Now you can use those finely developed skills you learned in the service and apply them in the business world. In order to reach that successful destination, you will need to develop marketing strategies that will give you the strategic advantage needed. Here are some excellent free resources that will allow you to achieve business success.

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