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Why the Veteran Owned Business Verification Process Matters

certifiedWhy the Veteran Owned Business Verification Process Matters


Veterans should not ignore the importance of having their businesses verified as a Veteran-Owned Business. Veterans are being sought out for many different opportunities within society due to their honorable service. Therefore, having your business verified as a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) or Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) gives you access to more business opportunities, such as government and corporate contracting.

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What is a Veteran Owned Business Verification and Which One is Best for You?

All Veteran Owned Business verifications are not created equal and may be required to successfully submit a proposal for a government or corporate contracting opportunity. There are definite benefits to verification and it’s important to understand the differences between verifications, where it will be valid and choose the most relevant based on your business goals. Here’s a brief outline of just a few veteran verification processes available.

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VetConnect Corporate Access: What You Need to Know

veteran buisness checklistAmerican business is on the uptick in many manufacturing and service areas of the economy and there is absolutely no reason Veteran Owned Businesses (VOB) cannot be part of this vibrant growth. The Veteran Owned Business Roundtable (VOBRT) has created the VetConnect program as a viable vehicle to provide the family of business owners and VOBs with resources and opportunities for networking and growth. VetConnect corporate access is the key to unlock VOB business prosperity.

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