As veterans were committing a portion of their lives to protecting our nation’s interests, many of their civilian contemporaries enjoyed a significant head start in their careers. Some veterans even paid the greater sacrifice by sustaining service-related disabilities that could severely hamper their ambitions. Fortunately, federal and state governments, along with our U.S. Supreme Court, have taken an active position to remedy any competitive disadvantages that veterans incurred when they committed to military service.
As repayment for their patriotic choice, governments have mandated that a minimum percentage of contracts be awarded to veteran-owned and service disabled veteran owned businesses.
Military experience taught these deserving individuals qualities such as responsibility, discipline, teamwork, and commitment to hard work that should pay huge dividends for those with an entrepreneurial dream. Veteran business owners are only seeking an opportunity to catch up with their contemporaries and demonstrate their own talents, products, and services on a level playing field.
What is the Veteran Owned Business Roundtable?
Formed in 2005, the Veteran Owned Business Roundtable (VOBRT) is an organization that recognizes the commitment made by these veterans and seeks to help them to be successful through avocation, mentoring, introduction, and connecting VOBRT members with decision-makers in large and small corporations. Among other objectives, VOBRT is intended to link corporate enterprises with quality veteran-owned businesses to become of their part of their strategic initiatives and supply chain considerations.
The VOBRT serves all veterans’ enterprises, including Service Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses (SDVOB), to create opportunities and market the advantages of working with these highly qualified companies.
Corporate Member Benefits
Enterprises that participate in the VOBRT give and receive substantial benefits from their involvement. The satisfaction and exposure derived from interacting, mentoring, training, and supporting those who have contributed to the security of the country is a significant gain.
Introducing veteran-owned businesses to their supply partners has brought tangible benefits for the corporate members. In many cases, VOBRT members have become shining stars as some of the most reliable and competitive partners.
World-class Roundtable Corporate members like Ford Motors, Chrysler (FCA), General Motors, Lear Corporation, Volkswagen, Navistar, and more have endorsed the benefits of working with veteran-owned enterprises.
Veteran-Owned Business Benefits
For a veteran-owned business, interacting with world-class companies and participating in their programs can be a break-through opportunity. Whether the interaction brings a whole new business opportunity or just the knowledge and confidence gained from the interaction with a world-class player, your membership in the VOBRT is value-added.