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Creating Accountability to Meet Your Veteran Owned Business Goal Requirements

accountabilityCreating Accountability to Meet your Veteran Owned Business Goal Requirements

Doing business with VOBs has numerous benefits for corporations. They can enjoy exceptional levels of service, strong partnerships, and diverse supply chains. As more corporate buyers seek to increase their partnerships with VOBs, they need to establish mechanisms and benchmarks that will allow their companies to remain accountable to these initiatives.

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What is a Veteran Owned Business Verification and Which One is Best for You?

All Veteran Owned Business verifications are not created equal and may be required to successfully submit a proposal for a government or corporate contracting opportunity. There are definite benefits to verification and it’s important to understand the differences between verifications, where it will be valid and choose the most relevant based on your business goals. Here’s a brief outline of just a few veteran verification processes available.

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VetConnect Corporate Access: What You Need to Know

veteran buisness checklistAmerican business is on the uptick in many manufacturing and service areas of the economy and there is absolutely no reason Veteran Owned Businesses (VOB) cannot be part of this vibrant growth. The Veteran Owned Business Roundtable (VOBRT) has created the VetConnect program as a viable vehicle to provide the family of business owners and VOBs with resources and opportunities for networking and growth. VetConnect corporate access is the key to unlock VOB business prosperity.

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Companies You Didn’t Know Were Veteran Owned


Our veterans form an important part of the business environment in the country. Upon returning from duty, many veterans choose to start and operate businesses in the private sector. As part of an initiative to support these business ventures, the US government set up a program with the goal of having a minimum of 3% of its purchases being made from veteran-owned businesses.

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The VBORT: How Our Business Model Works for You

As he sought a definition of “business model,” Michael Lewis said, “All it really meant was how you planned to make money.” Cynical, yes; true, not necessarily. Organizations like VOBRT (Veteran Owned Business Roundtable) often base their business model and mission on how to help other people make money. Profit-oriented companies like yours can also help U.S. military veterans.

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VOBRT Announces Guest Speaker Joseph B. Anderson, Jr., Chairman and CEO of TAG Holdings, LLC at Upcoming Welcome Reunion

Please join the VOBRT in welcoming Joseph B. Anderson, Jr., Chairman and CEO of TAG Holdings, LLC, as our guest speaker at the upcoming “Corporate and Platinum Member’s Welcome Reunion” on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 1PM.

During his military career, Mr. Anderson commanded troops as an infantry officer in the 82nd Airborne Division and served two tours of duty with the 1st Cavalry Division in Vietnam. In addition to troop command, Mr. Anderson served as aide-de-camp to two general officers, and he also was an assistant professor in the Department of Social Sciences at West Point. Mr. Anderson and the infantry platoon he commanded in Vietnam were subjects of the highly acclaimed documentary film “The Anderson Platoon”. The documentary has been shown in more than 20 countries and has won several prizes to include the Oscar of the Academy Awards and an Emmy for the “Best Documentary Film of 1967”. Mr. Anderson’s military awards include two silver stars, five bronze stars, three Army Commendation Medals, and eleven Air Medals. Mr. Anderson resigned his commission in 1978, after 13 years of service and early selection for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel.

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Veteran Owned Businesses in Your Supply Chain

How Our Business Model Works For You

The Veteran Owned Business Roundtable (VOBRT) is the conduit which provides VOB’s the resources to grow and expand their business with the initiatives of government agencies and corporations that are dedicated to increasing the number of certified and mission-ready VOBs in their supply chain. Corporate Members are an important element in providing support and enabling VOBRT’s Committees to implement its business model and work to meet the organizations goals and objectives.

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The Top 6 Reasons to Add Veteran Owned Businesses to Your Supply Chain

Without arguing the merits of one minority vs. another minority, simply realize this: Members of most minorities did not choose to be a minority. Our veterans chose to dedicate themselves, and risk their lives, so that we can live free in the United States. It is because of their choice that we owe them a leg up in their career endeavors with college incentives and business motivations that level the playing field for them.

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Funding Sources for Veteran Owned Businesses

Business capital funding is essential for new veteran owned businesses (VOBs). There are a variety of funding options available that include federal, state and private organizational financial support. Veteran Owned Business Roundtable (VOBRT) is firmly committed to identifying funding resources and capital for VOBs.

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Spotlight on Women-Owned Veteran Owned Businesses

Many women in the military feel they have to prove they are “worthy” to serve; and the men just have to show up! If you served our country, you did prove a great deal; you are trustworthy, dependable, and have leadership qualities that transfer to business entrepreneurship in “the real world.”

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