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Making the Most of VOBRT Mentorship Opportunities

Key to the success of veteran owned businesses (VOB) is their determination to transfer their battlefield experience and success to the boardroom and beyond. VOBRT’s highly skilled team of mentors provide participants with the training needed to excel in business.  Each mentoring step is a training tool and building block that is carefully calibrated for maximum effectiveness.

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Veteran Owned Businesses Stand Strong & United at the VOBRT

With 2016 behind us, it is time for fresh faces and new leaders in the Veteran Owned Business Round Table! The VOBRT is proud to announce that as of January 21, 2017 we have a whole new executive board. Here’s what it means for the veteran-owned businesses, corporations and government agencies who are members of our organization:

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New Directions, New Goals for the VOBRT

Think of government contracts and resources as a vast pool of job opportunities that are just out of reach. Then there’s you and your company, reaching for those jobs, but not quite able to grasp them. What if a funnel channeled some of those prospects to you? That’s what the new 2017 VOBRT (Veteran Owned Business Round Table) leadership wants to be: The tool that routes your company to those job possibilities and directs the flow of government and corporate contracts to you.

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How to Become a Great Mentor

Veterans are quite familiar with the daunting challenges they have faced on the battlefield. Launching a business is another challenge that veterans are eager to face. As a mentor, you can become an excellent team leader in mentoring veterans to develop successful (VOB) veteran owned business. Each-one-teach-one is a mentoring mantra which has helped build a great nation of successful veteran businesses.

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Veteran Owned Businesses: Seeking Government Contracts

Government contracts can be “…very lucrative – or you wouldn’t see so many companies going after them,” says Forbes. When a government contract is given (You’ll hear the word “awarded” often, regarding these government business opportunities.) to private companies that can deliver goods and/or perform services under that contract.

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Discover How VOB’s are Supported by Corporate America

It’s difficult enough for a company to join the ranks of corporate America. Small business owners, particularly veteran owned businesses (VOBs) face overwhelming challenges. Fortunately, caring corporations have created Small Business Administration (SBA)-like programs to help veterans. Here are some of the ways corporations are helping veterans grow their businesses.

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Four 2017 Goals for Your Veteran-Owned Business (And How VOBRT Can Help)

It’s 2017. This is going to be a great year to maximize your business opportunities and increase your profits! If you take advantage of membership in VOBRT (Veteran Owned Business Roundtable), that will be your first step in the right direction, and you don’t need an NGA* map to find us. For over 10 years, VOBRT has connected and helped develop alliances between U.S. ex-military businesspeople and government agencies/international corporations.

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Participating in VOBRT Events 2017 – and Beyond

One of the main benefits of membership in the VOBRT is access to specialty events. These VOBRT-community events not only make it possible to network with other veteran business owners in 2017, but you can also gain valuable insights and knowledge in problem areas you as a veteran business owner may have. Everyone who takes part in VOBRT activities is in it to grow their own businesses and to help other veterans be successful. So, if you’re still considering membership in or just joined and want to know more about services offered, here is exactly what it means to participate in VOBRT events.

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Exploring Mentorship Opportunities with the VOBRT

As veterans were committing a portion of their lives to protecting our nation’s interests, many of their civilian contemporaries enjoyed a significant head start in their careers. Some veterans even paid the greater sacrifice by sustaining service-related disabilities that could severely hamper their ambitions.  Fortunately, federal and state governments, along with our U.S. Supreme Court, have taken an active position to remedy any competitive disadvantages that veterans incurred when they committed to military service.

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Benefits of Listing your Business in the VOBRT Business Directory and Mobile app

As a business owner, you understand the importance of networking. The more you connect with other business owners and players, the greater your growth potential. Connecting with other businesses can be challenging without help. As a military veteran, you have access to the Veteran Owned Business Routable (VOBRT), a national association designed to “Serve those who have served.” Membership connects you to those who can help you open doors, grow and prosper. There are several benefits of joining and listing your business in the VOBRT business directory and mobile app.

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