Interview with Leon Richardson, Chairman, CEO & President of ChemicoMays, a CVE verified Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB) at the Michigan Minority Procurement Conference at Cobo Center in Detroit, Michigan on Thursday, May 10, 2018
The Veterans Administration Announcing Faster Claims Decisions With The New DRC Program!
Still haven’t filed your VA disability compensation claim? Make sure you file it through the new Decision Ready Claim (DRC) Program. With DRC, you can get a decision on your claim in 30 days or less.
The VBORT: How Our Business Model Works for You
As he sought a definition of “business model,” Michael Lewis said, “All it really meant was how you planned to make money.” Cynical, yes; true, not necessarily. Organizations like VOBRT (Veteran Owned Business Roundtable) often base their business model and mission on how to help other people make money. Profit-oriented companies like yours can also help U.S. military veterans.
VOBRT Announces Guest Speaker Joseph B. Anderson, Jr., Chairman and CEO of TAG Holdings, LLC at Upcoming Welcome Reunion
Please join the VOBRT in welcoming Joseph B. Anderson, Jr., Chairman and CEO of TAG Holdings, LLC, as our guest speaker at the upcoming “Corporate and Platinum Member’s Welcome Reunion” on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 1PM.
During his military career, Mr. Anderson commanded troops as an infantry officer in the 82nd Airborne Division and served two tours of duty with the 1st Cavalry Division in Vietnam. In addition to troop command, Mr. Anderson served as aide-de-camp to two general officers, and he also was an assistant professor in the Department of Social Sciences at West Point. Mr. Anderson and the infantry platoon he commanded in Vietnam were subjects of the highly acclaimed documentary film “The Anderson Platoon”. The documentary has been shown in more than 20 countries and has won several prizes to include the Oscar of the Academy Awards and an Emmy for the “Best Documentary Film of 1967”. Mr. Anderson’s military awards include two silver stars, five bronze stars, three Army Commendation Medals, and eleven Air Medals. Mr. Anderson resigned his commission in 1978, after 13 years of service and early selection for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel.
Funding Sources for Veteran Owned Businesses
Business capital funding is essential for new veteran owned businesses (VOBs). There are a variety of funding options available that include federal, state and private organizational financial support. Veteran Owned Business Roundtable (VOBRT) is firmly committed to identifying funding resources and capital for VOBs.
Veteran Owned Businesses Stand Strong & United at the VOBRT
New Directions, New Goals for the VOBRT
Think of government contracts and resources as a vast pool of job opportunities that are just out of reach. Then there’s you and your company, reaching for those jobs, but not quite able to grasp them. What if a funnel channeled some of those prospects to you? That’s what the new 2017 VOBRT (Veteran Owned Business Round Table) leadership wants to be: The tool that routes your company to those job possibilities and directs the flow of government and corporate contracts to you.
Participating in VOBRT Events 2017 – and Beyond
One of the main benefits of membership in the VOBRT is access to specialty events. These VOBRT-community events not only make it possible to network with other veteran business owners in 2017, but you can also gain valuable insights and knowledge in problem areas you as a veteran business owner may have. Everyone who takes part in VOBRT activities is in it to grow their own businesses and to help other veterans be successful. So, if you’re still considering membership in or just joined and want to know more about services offered, here is exactly what it means to participate in VOBRT events.