As a veteran owned business, you deserve to be very proud of your accomplishment and success. Certainly, Veteran Owned Business Roundtable (VOBRT) considers the improvement you have made by taking full advantage of the strategic webinars, online meetings, one-on-one and regulatory processes sessions contributed to your winning formula. Now you are considering expansion. Here are some very valuable tips to consider as you begin your evaluation process to expand.
When Is the Right Time to Expand Your Veteran Owned Business?
Why the Veteran Owned Business Verification Process Matters
Why the Veteran Owned Business Verification Process Matters
Veterans should not ignore the importance of having their businesses verified as a Veteran-Owned Business. Veterans are being sought out for many different opportunities within society due to their honorable service. Therefore, having your business verified as a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) or Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) gives you access to more business opportunities, such as government and corporate contracting.
Spotlight on Women-Owned Veteran Owned Businesses
Many women in the military feel they have to prove they are “worthy” to serve; and the men just have to show up! If you served our country, you did prove a great deal; you are trustworthy, dependable, and have leadership qualities that transfer to business entrepreneurship in “the real world.”
How to Become a Great Mentor
Veterans are quite familiar with the daunting challenges they have faced on the battlefield. Launching a business is another challenge that veterans are eager to face. As a mentor, you can become an excellent team leader in mentoring veterans to develop successful (VOB) veteran owned business. Each-one-teach-one is a mentoring mantra which has helped build a great nation of successful veteran businesses.
Veteran Owned Businesses: Seeking Government Contracts
Government contracts can be “…very lucrative – or you wouldn’t see so many companies going after them,” says Forbes. When a government contract is given (You’ll hear the word “awarded” often, regarding these government business opportunities.) to private companies that can deliver goods and/or perform services under that contract.
Interview with a Small Business Owner—Who also Happens to be a Military Spouse
The U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Office of Veterans Business Development (OVBD) is proud to support veteran, service member, and military spouse entrepreneurs during National…