Thursday, February 21, 2019
1:30PM – 2:30PM
Subject Matter Expert: Dannie James “The Coach"
Section 1
Doing business with the Federal Government and the Department of Defense requires an understanding of the government and how they operate. Attempting to do business with the government prior to understanding the inner workings of the government puts you and your company at a disadvantage when attempting to do business with the government. The government spends tax payer’s money, you are a tax payer and it’s an obligation that the government have to inform you how they spend your money, what they spend your money on and who they spend your money with. Understanding these elements will definitely put you in a better position to do business with the US Government and the Department of Defense.
- Committed company’s who’re wanting to grow their business in the U.S. Federal Government and Department of Defense market
- Company’s who have a quality product and/or service that they are wanting to sell to the government
- Company’s with a sound business model
- It will position your company for success in the government market
- Ensure that companies know the importance of understanding the what and how the government acquire products and services
- Assist companies in understanding what approach is needed to be successful in the government space
- It will teach you how to develop a strategy to pursue government contracts, you will now have data to support an approach that you decide to take. Data comes from the research on the What, the How and the Who as it relates to government contracting.
- To receive real world information that’s supported by data to become successful in the federal government market
Dannie James, President, JE Group, LLC
Who is Dannie James “The Coach?”
After years of experience in Federal Government Contracting, Mr. James analyzed who, what, when, where and how to enter and be a success in federal contracting. He leveraged relationships by interviewing “the experts” (Government Contract Representatives) to assess and evaluate his unique methodology concentrating more on the “HOW TO and WHAT IS REQUIRED”. Mr. James’s claim to fame is his proven procurement and acquisition processes, and methodologies that become incorporated